Have you ever thought?!
Our body is very similar to the computer
Keyboard = input of data = hands
Mouse = focus of view = focus of your attention (wherever mouse is this is where are attention is right now) = eyes
Hard drive = storage of everything that ever happened on this computer = sub-consciousness
CPU (central processing unit) = converts incoming data into binary code = nervous sustem collects incoming information from the environment (vis sensors:skin, eyes, ears, mouth, nose) and converts into electrical potential then transmits the data into operating system
Operating memory = focus, consciousness = imagine that you turn on computer and all programs open simultaneously (you tube, iTunes, audible, iMovie- all start playing, all emails pop up, google, safari etc open every window, you got the idea!)
The same way hard drive is different from operating memory.
Analogy list can go on endless- share your thought with me in the comments.
Meditation helps you close out the unnecessary windows so you can focus on what’s essential. When you do less with more, you enjoy life more and perform at a higher level.
Stress relief might be the most-studied benefit, but meditation also has been found to help reduce drug addiction, relieve anxiety, and boost immunity.
You might be thinking that meditation isn’t for you, but there are so many forms of meditation and mindfulness. You have to find what works for you. There’s breathwork, mantras, guided meditations, walking meditation, and even coloring or painting can be forms of meditation.
